What's new in Niagara Int. Short Festival

International Short Film Festival

Welcome to Niagara Falls Festival

About Festival

Niagara Falls Film Festival is a seasonal festival that is held in the beautiful Niagara Falls. Niagara is valued not only for its waterfall, but also for its beautiful inns, hotels, restaurants and tourist destinations such as its wineries. Filmmakers and artists have been attracted to Niagara Falls and have used its potentials as a setting for their films. Niagara Falls has been used as background in numerous feature films, including the famous Marilyn Monroe film, titled Niagara (1953), and Superman and Pirates of the Caribbean, to name a few. The spectacular natural scenery of Niagara Falls have always given an extra layer of beauty to films shown on the silver screen and we hope to use these infrastructures to offer you a very beautiful festival’s experiences.


To be announced

NIAGARA Int. Short Festival

To be announced

NIAGARA Int. Short Festival

To be announced

NIAGARA Int. Short Festival

To be announced

NIAGARA Int. Short Festival

NIAGARA Film Festival

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